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Physical Education

Physical Education Prep to Year 2

Students participate in weekly Physical Education lessons, where they engage in a variety of games and activities that provide the basis for developing the knowledge, understanding and skills students need to lead healthy, safe and active lives. They work independently, in small groups or as a whole class, unitising a range of sports equipment.

The Banyule Primary Physical Education program provides the opportunity for students to learn through movement. It teaches students the correct technique when performing a range of Fundamental Movement Skills such as running, jumping, skipping, balancing, hopping, leaping, dodging, throwing, caching, kicking, rolling and bouncing. At the end of the year, students engage in an exciting House Sports Day where they get to demonstrate their skills in a range of fun activities. 

In addition to the weekly sessions the students participate in, we are also fortunate to have access to external clinics and programs including gymnastics, basketball and AFL.



Physical Education Year 3 to Year 6

Students participate in weekly Physical Education lessons, where they engage in a variety of games and activities that provide the basis for developing the knowledge, understanding and skills students need to lead healthy, safe and active lives. Students work independently and in teams to further enhance their skills and execute them through games and different sports.


Year 3 to 6 students at Banyule Primary School have the opportunity to compete in events such as swimming carnivals, athletics track and field days, and cross country. Students’ results are recorded in preparation for the next competition.

Year 6 students have the opportunity to compete in Interschool Sport related competitions during Terms 2 and 3 where they play competitively against other schools within the district.

In addition to the weekly lesson, students are also fortunate to have access to external clinics and programs through the Government Sporting Schools program.


As a part of Banyule Primary School’s program on health, student’s self-worth is emphasised, and their understanding of the worth of others. Students develop an understanding of the use of food to provide nutrients for growth, energy, repair, and regulation of the body’s physical functions.


Health Education

Lessons regularly focus on Health, where students explore healthy habits, food and nutrition, the human body, how to keep safe in different environments, understanding their own personal strengths and challenges, identifying different feelings and emotions and our responses to these, describing physical and emotional changes that occur as we grow older.

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