Assessment & Reporting
At Banyule Primary School (BPS) we are committed to providing programs that cater to the needs of all students. The assessment and reporting guidelines ensure the staff identify, cater for and monitor the progress of all students. Student learning is assessed according to the Victorian Curriculum through informal and formal methods.
Consistent school-wide approaches to planning, teaching and assessment and reporting ensure that individual student learning needs are identified and catered for. Students are closely monitored within class and year-level cohorts to determine learning needs. Our teachers work in Professional Learning Communities to ensure collegiate responsibility and collective accountability to plan for and assess student learning.
An open and positive line of communication between the classroom teacher and home is essential. Parents and Carers are welcome to talk to their child’s teacher at any stage of the year; however, we have a formal schedule as follows:
March: ‘Get To Know You’ interviews. This interview allows parents and carers the opportunity to speak to their child’s classroom teacher. This interview allows both the teacher and parent/carers a forum for developing an open and productive line of communication to ensure a successful year of learning.
June: Semester One reports are published on Compass followed by Three Way Conferences. These conferences are a celebration of each student’s learning journey over the semester.
December: Semester Two reports are published on Compass. Interviews are available by request